Productivity of ADHDers unleashed.
People with ADHD are great employees, if given adequate opportunity. We hate seeing ADHD superpowers wasted on corporate drudgery just because traditional office work triggers our weak spots.At FocusFlow, we aim at creating a productivity tool which will accompany you with your office job and help you navigate the pitfalls. We will identify your triggers and energy zones, help you better estimate and plan meetings and commitments, all while stacking on your already existing habits so that you don't get overwhelmed by yet another app.It's an app we have been waiting on ourselves. We scratch our own itch, and invite you to scratch yours with our invention.Sign up to our mailing list to get notified of our progress and make your voice heard in the process!Best
Team FocusFlow
Thank you
We will keep you updated on our work. If you want to talk to us, drop us an e-mail at [email protected].Best regards
FocusFlow team